This page lists the currently known works including different images for each, the naming follows the original blog . The works with the names “RIC 01” to “RIC 22” are the ones from the original blog. The first picture an each page is from this blog as well.
Since most of these works are prints some could be grouped together by the plates having been used.
Works starting with “RIC 23” have been found later via Google Images search and on eBay. Each work has it’s own page including more images and informations, if available.
Each image below link to a list of posts tagged with the identifier of the subject. A list of all entries is available as well .
Original list
The posts with contents from the original blog had been tagged with “Taken from Blogspot” .
RIC 01 RIC 02 RIC 03 RIC 04 RIC 05 RIC 06 RIC 07 RIC 08 RIC 09 RIC 10 RIC 11 RIC 12 RIC 13 RIC 14 RIC 15 RIC 16 RIC 17 RIC 18 RIC 19 RIC 20 RIC 21 RIC 22