All entries for "Ric 20"

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Short description: Another print of Ric 20

Notes: Taken from eBay . The title of other works might be Treppengasse, but this should be considered to be not confirmed.

Other entries for this work

See also Ric 32

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Short description: This is a painting of the motive found on Ric 20 . The title is probably “Treppengasse”, which is in Altenburg , Germany.

Since it’s a painting and not another copy of the etching, it get’s it’s own number (Ric 32).

Notes: Found by Andra Robertson at an estate sale, send to me by mail.

Image by Andra Robertson

See also Ric 32

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Short description: An alley

Notes: Taken from eBay . The title of the listing suggests Treppengasse, Altenburg , Germany.

Image by Mark Strong of Meibohm Fine Arts .

The description on eBay is very interesting, there is a post about it.

Other entries for this work

See also Ric 32

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Short description: An alley


Other entries for this work