All entries for "Taken From Blogspot"

This list contains posts with images taken from the original website .

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Short description: Three sailing boats (spinnaker)


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Short description: The Gedächniskirche in Berlin

Notes: Quite unusual motive. Probably seen from Tauentzienstraße . Also see this picture from 1965 and look at the laterns

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Short description: An alley


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Short description: Sailing ship next to a harbour / town

Notes: Similar to Ric 03 , but this one is signed a bit different. Maybe this one isn’t a print?

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Short description: A marabu


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Short description: Two sailings boats


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Short description: Two sailings boats

Notes: Higher resolution images are available

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Short description: People on the shore next to a sailing boat

Notes: Unusual rounded style, low image quality

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Short description: A latern next to a stair (alley)

Notes: Low quality image

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Short description: Two birds

Notes: Image has a very low quality

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