All entries for "Ric 05"

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Short description: Sailing boats, known as Ric 05. This one has a unusual location of the signature - within the print.

Notes: Taken from .

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After I had already noticed that Ric also had an appearance in Tatort, I asked the NDR as the producing broadcaster. The archive forwarded my enquiry directly to the production.

Kerstin Ramcke, the producer of the Kieler Tatort, thankfully answered the enquiry directly. I am reproducing her answer here:

The ‘Praesidium’ location was the military technical school in Kiel (Arkonastrasse). We filmed the offices at this location until 2017[…]
Kerstin Ramcke

Original in German:

Der Drehort “Präsidium” war damals die Militärtechnische Schule in Kiel (Arkonastrasse). An diesem Motiv haben wir bis 2017 die Büros gedreht[…]
Kerstin Ramcke

She also stated that Zazie Knepper from Hamburg was the production designer. Contact is currently being made to find out whether Ric has appeared in other productions / films.

The following episodes, which are still to be viewed, result from the specified time period…

Potential sequels

Case Title First broadcast Sequel
14 Tango für Borowski 4. Apr. 2010 761
15 Borowski und eine Frage von reinem Geschmack 24. Okt. 2010 777
16 Borowski und der vierte Mann 26. Dez. 2010 785
17 Borowski und die Frau am Fenster 2. Okt. 2011 812
18 Borowski und der coole Hund 6. Nov. 2011 816
19 Borowski und der stille Gast 9. Sep. 2012 842
20 Borowski und der freie Fall 14. Okt. 2012 846
21 Borowski und der brennende Mann 12. Mai 2013 873
22 Borowski und der Engel 29. Dez. 2013 892
23 Borowski und das Meer 30. März 2014 906
24 Borowski und der Himmel über Kiel 25. Jan. 2015 933
25 Borowski und die Kinder von Gaarden 29. März 2015 941
26 Borowski und die Rückkehr des stillen Gastes 29. Nov. 2015 964
27 Borowski und das verlorene Mädchen 6. Nov. 2016 999
28 Taxi nach Leipzig 13. Nov. 2016 1000
29 Borowski und das dunkle Netz 19. März 2017 1015
30 Borowski und das Fest des Nordens 18. Juni 2017 1025

The first match

After these hints it went very quickly, in the first case on the list, “Tango for Borowski”, after about 3.5 minutes (more precisely: 00:03:38) I saw this…

Screenshot of Tango für Borowski

Screenshot of Tango für Borowski

A few day ago I downloaded an episode of Tatort , a German TV series. The Episode “Tatort: Borowski und eine Frage von reinem Geschmack” - link in German only - aired on 24 October 2010. The story doesn’t really matter for this post, but have a look at the screenshot below, they have a Ric print hanging at the office.

Screenshot of Borowski und eine Frage von reinem Geschmack

Screenshot of Borowski und eine Frage von reinem Geschmack

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Short description: Sailing Boats

Notes : Taken from eBay .

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Short description: Sailing boat

Notes: See Antik Bayreuth

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Short description: Sailing boats (Ric 05)

Notes: Gefunden bei eBay.

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Short description: Sailing boat

Notes: This is one of the most common prints, see Ric 05

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