All entries for "Signature"

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Short description: Sailing Boats

Notes : Taken from eBay .

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Short description: A bird, maybe a Marabou

Notes: Taken from eBay.

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Short description: A German Shepherd

Notes: Bought in Göttingen.

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Short description: Large sailing ship

Notes :

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Short description: Sailing Boats

Notes: Taken from eBay .

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Short description: An etching of a wind mill by (some) Fritz Neumann

Notes: Taken from eBay , probably not “our” Fritz Neumann.

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Short description: Two prints by Fritz Neumann, sailings boats and a black-headed gull.

Notes: Works by our Fritz Neumann wit typical maritime subjects.

One possibility to distinguish between our different Fritz Neumann’s is to compare the signature. The following list shows examples of Fritz Neumanns signatures, the source images are linked in the image caption:

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

Signature our Fritz Neumann, taken from this post

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Short description: Sailing boats

Notes: Taken from . Slightly different colouring then other versions .

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Short description: Sailing boats

Notes: Slightly different colouring then other versions .

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