All entries for "Etching"

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Short description: A colourised etching of a hereditary farm by Fritz Neumann.

Notes: There is also a print (certainly from a magazine) of this etching on eBay . Keep in mind, that those aren’t woodcuts!

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Short description: Coloured etching of a duck pond by Fritz Neumann

Notes: Found on a flea market (Flohmarkt Flohschanze) in Hamburg. The embossed mark of J.C. Blumenberg is clearly recognisable.

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Short description: A horse

Notes: Taken from eBay

Image by Mark Strong of Meibohm Fine Arts .

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Short description: A colourised etching of boats by Fritz Neumann.

Notes: Found on eBay

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Short description: A colourised print of terriers by Fritz Neumann.

Notes: Found on eBay

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Short description: A colourised etching of a heron by Fritz Neumann.

Notes: Found on eBay

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Short description: A etching of a poodle by Fritz Neumann.

Notes: Found on a fleamarket in Hannover for 15€

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Short description: Two sea gulls in flight

Notes: Taken from eBay

Image by Mark Strong of Meibohm Fine Arts .

The description on eBay is very interesting, there will be a post about it.

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Short description: A colourised print of a foal by Fritz Neumann

Notes: Found on eBay

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Short description: An etching of a wind mill by (some) Fritz Neumann

Notes: Taken from eBay , probably not “our” Fritz Neumann.
