The original note where our Fritz Neumann confirms that he is Ric, published by Mark Strong of Meibohm Fine Arts included an address:

His address is Gartenfelder Str. 132 h in Berlin Haselhorst.
Since Torsten Steinberg, the author of the ad mentioned in the last post wrote about the old address books of Berlin I tried to do the same. This are the results, the first result was from 1934:

Address book 1934

Address book 1936

Address book 1937

Address book 1943

Address book 1957

Address book 1961

Address book 1970
Above only random samples, therefore the cut-outs are not continuous. No address books are available after 1970, so here are some extracts from telephone directories.

Phone book 1978

Phone book 1984
This at least makes it clear that our Fritz Neumann lived and worked in Berlin for around 50 years. And perhaps died in 1984, or at least stopped working as a graphic designer, e.g. because he went into an old people’s home.
The digital copies of the sources are linked to the respective excerpts. As the URN:NBN resolver of the DNB is used, these can also be cited.