The marriage certificate shows another address for Fritz Neumann: Lettestraße 1.
A search of the address reveals that it is most likely his father’s, Ludwig Karl Franz Neumann address, as there is an F. Neumann, book printer, sometimes also typesetter, can be traced there from 1904:
Address books
This shows that Fritz Neumann’s father lived at Lettestraße 1 between 1904 and 1933 and worked as a typesetter between 1927 and 1931, otherwise as a printer. As Fritz Neumann had this address when he married, it can be assumed that he lived at home until 1925.
The digital copies of the sources are linked to the respective excerpts. As the URN:NBN resolver of the DNB is used, these can also be cited.
Name lists of the civil status registers
In addition, already known data can also be found in name directories of Berlin registry offices:
- Landesarchiv Berlin, P Rep. 221 registry office Berlin Xb Nr. 605 Name index birth register 1897, S. 167 -
- Landesarchiv Berlin, P Rep.806 registry office Berlin IX Nr. 658 Name index marriage register 1925, S. 33
Thanks to Evelyn Kraßmann for the tip.